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when they are not running

Sometime back, Coach suggested that I get a pair of minimalistic shoes for the rainy season. I toyed with the idea for a while but shoes make me feel claustrophobic now. Most of the time I am barefoot or in flipflops and a day in closed shoes feels very uncomfortable.

Sandals are a different story though. I have a pair I use for occasions when I need to wear something dressy. Perhaps running sandals are a more comfortable option. As always, google came to the rescue with many sugggestions. I was quite interested in making a pair myself since it didn’t seem that difficult. 

Coincidentally, I found a cobbler last evening and got him to cut out a pair of soles for me. A few holes in them, a pair of shoe laces and I had a pair of sandals ready in no time. This is a very rudimentary version and may not be very suitable for running. But there is something to build upon. A fun side project and I have a willing partner in little K. She wants a pair too and this can be a fun thing to do.

More on it once I crack the perfect running sandals for my feet.