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It felt good to get out this morning for a while after a couple of days in the house. I thought I’d run for half an hour and ended up doing a little more. The last mile was a good steady one with Mr.B, who cycled as I ran alongside. We caught a beautiful sunrise but I didn’t stop to get a picture. This time of the year is a feast of gorgeous skies.

Mr.B pops up in my running journal off and on, usually when I am getting back or in need of a tiny push without a push. He just shows up. The little that I know of him is through brief minutes while sharing the road. He is a retired army man and his passion is bird watching. He travels to a different location every year in pursuit of his hobby. This year was Scotland. 

He cycles the same route everyday and bought a new cycle a few months ago. Come rain or sun, he is on his bike every morning. No drama or excitement, just an assured discipline of getting out for his daily dose of exercise. We got chatting about it today and he lamented the fact that a lot of people pushed so hard and obsessively that they injured themselves before long or burned out. Balance is the key and I couldn’t agree more. Exercise in any form is done by the body for the body but it is the mind that reaps the greater benefit. Running is good but it is only a part of my life. Much of my life is silly laughs at home, exasperated arguments about homework and chores, time with friends, books, work and most importantly, time alone to sustain it all. 

On another note, I’ve been a bit more ‘social‘ and connected with some old running acquaintances and made some new ones. In fact, I fixed up to go for a run with another runner tomorrow and I was introduced to the ‘good morning‘ rule. If one didn’t respond to a good morning message by a fixed time, that meant he/she wasn’t going to turn up. Quaint. This runner’s concern was that I shouldn’t have to run alone in the dark. But that’s how I trained for my first half and whenever I ran long! 

happy feet after a run- how will they be after a half?